
Basswood is popular amongst carvers and window shutter manufacturers worldwide. In addition to these uses, Basswood is utilized as a paint-grade alternative to other species due to the Specie’s economical cost. Our Basswood is distinguished by a creamy white color with fine, indistinct grain.

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Basswood is a type of wood that is light, soft, and very easy to handle and has become the choice of many woodworkers interested in making lightweight wood products quickly and easily. This odorless, fine-grained wood was easy to find in the global commercial market. Today, it is used in large businesses such as pulp, veneer, plywood, musical instruments, window shutters, and blinds.

Also, this wood is the choice for woodworkers who want to carve objects of all sizes and make small and complex models, dolls, and musical instruments.

Uses of Basswood

Today, after centuries of use in the production of smaller household items, the use of this type of wood has shifted to two categories: commercial and domestic. Commercially, basswood is widely used in the manufacture of shutters, blinds, plywood, veneers, pulp, and textiles. Meanwhile, timber workers around the world have found that basswood is very suitable for making intricate carvings of all sizes, statues, models, dolls, and dolls.

In addition, basswood has excellent acoustic characteristics and is widely used in the manufacture of various music instruments, recorders, guitar and bass guitar bodies, recorders, drum shells, and more. One of the easiest ways to find Basswood is in a modern aquarium. Forcing air through the grains of basswood creates fine bubbles throughout.

When you need lumps of leaves or deep shades, we recommend American basswood as an ornamental tree where its efficiency surpasses native trees. It is often planted on the windward side of orchards as a shelter for young, vulnerable trees.

If you have always wanted a natural wood shutter and are worried that it will distort over time, choose a basswood shutter. The wood is sturdy and extremely resistant to warping and is not easily affected by heat and water. This means that you can use it where other types of wood may fail without fear of the shutter being distorted or looking bad.

However, it should be noted that no wood is completely warp-free. As such, linden warps over time but takes more time than other wood types.

Benefits of Basswood

In addition to producing one of the most commonly used conifers in the woodworking industry, basswood is also known for its fibers hidden in the structure of the bark. By peeling off the outer layer of the bark and soaking it in water for about a month, you can obtain strong fibers from this wood. After this, the fibers can be separated, harvested, and dried. Archaeologists have discovered that clothing made from this fiber was used during the Bronze Age and that Linden fiber is still used today to make clothing in Japan.

Basswood flowers are also known for their sweetness. They can be used to make flavorful teas, while some other parts of the tree have been found to have a variety of medicinal properties.
Indeed, the tree, leaves, flowers, and charcoal all contain a variety of biochemicals including; volatile oils and tannins that are useful for metabolism. Flavonoids are equally contained and act as good antioxidants in the body by protecting it from free radicals which can cause cancer and other diseases. There are many home remedies made from basswood and other types of Tilia trees that can be used for health purposes. A few health conditions known to be treated by the tree include; skin infections, inflammation, headache, fever, and diuretic conditions.

How to bend the wood

Linden has poor steam bending properties so it is a little difficult. Over the years, woodworkers have developed a practical method of bending this wood.

Firstly, soak the wood in vinegar for 15-20 minutes to make the wood less likely to break when bent. You need to heat the water and steam it. Next, water has to be heated up and the resulting steam is used to soften the wood. Bring the wood into contact with the steam making sure the steam erupts from under the wood.

Be mindful of safety when undertaking this process since high heat may be harmful when mishandled. Place the wood in the bending frame or container, and use a vice grip to start bending. When the desired shape is obtained, maintain a hold on the wood for some time for it to dry up a little. Depending on its diameter, linden may take up to 24 hours to dry completely.

Why buy basswood from us?

We sell basswood that has a fine uniform texture and average luster grain. It is soft, valued for hand carving, and has other uses including boxes, veneer, and pulp. Buy Basswood Plank Sheets for Carving and Other WoodWorks from our online store for a guarantee of quality products.


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